May 26, 2015
The Illinis Supreme Court waisted no time citing the United States Supreme Court Decision of Heien v. North Carolina.
The debate goes on exactly what impact these cases will have on fourth amendment jurisprudence.
May 19, 2015
Did the judge have the right to impose a 15 year gun add-on? Appellate court says “no” but lets it slide.
See People v. Walker, 2015 IL App (1st) 130500 (05/11/2015).
This case begins with the question of whether or not the trial judge had the right to impose a 15 year gun...
May 12, 2015
What is the criminal contempt of court maximum sentence? Contempt of court is not in the books so we have to look at the case law for the answer.
See People v. Geiger, 2015 IL App (3d) 130457 (04/17/2015) & People v. Perez-Gonzalez, 2014 IL App (2d) 120946 (06/26/2014).
What is the...
May 4, 2015
Illinois Case Law Updates for APRIL 2015 - Fast and convenint summary or recent Illinois criminal court cases created just for you.
Get April Case List Now! This case list PDF download is clickable! It features a summary of the top 11 important April cases followed up with...